Monday, August 25, 2008

Garden Time wins over posting time!

I think winter will be garden blog meandering thought time. Spring through summer so far has turned out to be actually gardening time - outdoors among the flamboyant new growth, heat waves, bumblebees and even spiders. So, obviously, I haven't posted in ages - I've been much too busy!

The winter gives me more time for thought about my garden. I've realized it is my contemplative planning time. I research, absorb, learn, obsess over the long cold grey months, dreaming of warm sunlit days when my garden will be at its peak.

But the summer is too full of chores and pleasures to be indoors with my nose in a book and my thoughts in the clouds. There are weeds to pull, flowers to cut, cuttings to take, mulching to do, composting, digging, and planting. When I'm not working my gardening muscles I can be found either sitting back and observing the whole thing, or knealt down over something up close, probably a bee taking nectar from my jasmine shrub, or a spider crawling its way over the rocks under the japanese maple, or a butterfly visiting my striped tongue (salpiglossis) flowers.

I love the daylight and warmth I have to enjoy my garden. I love how my garden looked in the late winter and spring, as in the below pictures, but my garden in early summer and now, late summer, is lush and green and full. Wonderful. Enjoy the pictures, they progress from early spring, to late may/early june through now, late august.


Christy said...

Wow Kim! Your so ambitious and your garden is BEAUTIFUL! Good work li'l sis!

Kristin said...

I was so excited to see the pretty little dahlia, your garden makes me feel happy. I can't wait to have one of my own.

Pradip Karmakar said...

Wow, very well written